Dienstag, 6. März 2018

Veganes Mett | vegan mett

English version below

Wat soll ich sagen? Mettbrötchen, Mettigel. Ich persönlich halte da nichts von (hab ich auch früher schon nicht), aber Mr. Squirrel steht drauf. Und da bei ihm auf der Arbeit mittwochs immer Mettwoch ist, hat er sich entschieden auch Mett mitzubringen - aber selbstgemachtes.

Achtung! Für das beste Geschmackserlebnis am besten am Tag vorher vorbereiten.

Zutaten (reicht für ca. 6 Brötchenhälften):
  • 50g Reiswaffeln (natur)
  • 50g Tomatenmark
  • 1 Zwiebel
  • 200ml Gemüsebrühe (im Notfall geht auch Wasser)
  • ½ EL Öl
  • Salz
  • Pfeffer

  • Zwiebeln fein hacken
  • Reiswaffeln in einer Schüssel zerbröseln
  • Zwiebeln, Brühe, Öl und Tomatenmark zusammen mit den Reiswaffelbröseln zusammenkneten.
  • Mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken.
  • Über Nacht im Kühlschrank ziehen lassen.


English version

What can I say? Mett is something that might need some explanation for those who are not native to Germany... Wikipedia states that "[Mett] consists of minced pork meat, normally sold or served seasoned with salt and black pepper, regionally also with garlic or caraway, and eaten raw. It is also permitted to add chopped onion, in which case it is known as Zwiebelmett (onion Mett)."
So yeah, that's a thing. I found it appaling back the day when I still ate meat, and I refuse its vegan version today. Mr. Squirrel likes it. And since his colleagues at work do a Mettwoch (mett Wednesday), he decided to bring his own, homemade mett...

Heads up! For best taste results, prepare a day ahead.

Ingredients (enough for about 3 rolls sliced in half):
  • 50g of unseasoned puffed rice cakes
  • 50g triple concentrated tomato paste
  • 1 onion
  • 200ml of veggie stock (or water if you don't have any veggie stock)
  • ½ tb sp of oil
  • Salt
  • fresh black pepper

  • Chop onions finely.
  • Crumble up puffed rice cake in a bowl.
  • Knead onions, veggie stock, oil, and tomato paste with crumble rice cakes.
  • Season with salt and pepper.
  • Store in the fridge over night.
  • Enjoy!

Tradition has it that mett is served on a fresh roll (regular or lye/pretzel roll) or shaped as a hedgehog. Seriously. Google "mettigel" ("mett hedgehog").