Mittwoch, 16. Dezember 2015


English version below!

Ich bin zwar mit Kässpätzlen aufgewachsen, aber das heißt ja nicht, dass man nicht auch für Mac'n'Cheese das Herz öffnen kann!

Samstag, 28. November 2015

Pulled Jackfruit

English translation below!

Manchmal sucht man lange nach Ideen und manchmal schickt einem wer ein Buzzfeedvideo und man macht Sachen nach, passt ein bisschen an und tadaaaaa, schon hat man was Tolles. So ging's dann auch mit uns und Jackfruit los! :)
Ich hab vorher noch nie mit Jackfruit was gemacht, aber hab's dann einfach mal riskiert. Gute Idee! Wichtig, wenn man Jackfruit in der Dose kauft: Es gibt die reife Jackfruit, die als Obst läuft. Die ist dann in Sirup eingelegt. Sicher auch nett, aber nichts für dieses Rezept. Die junge, grüne Jackfruit läuft als Gemüse und wird in Salzlake verkauft. Das ist die, die ihr dafür braucht.

So sieht's dann später aus!

Sonntag, 8. November 2015

Pfannekuchentortencupcakes | Pancake Pie Cupcakes

English version below!

Bei uns auf der Arbeit wird ja immer für die Geburtstagskinder gebacken. Und da mein Kollege immer von Pfannekuchentorten erzählt, musste ich ihm einfach Pfannekuchentortencupcakes machen! Das war ein bisschen experimentell, aber die Cupcakes sind so gut angekommen, dass ich sie direkt noch mal machen musste und dabei dann auch mal aufgeschrieben habe, was ich so verwendet habe.

Samstag, 31. Oktober 2015

Nougat Walnut Rolls with Chocolate | Nougat-Walnuss-Rollen mit Schokolade

English version below!

Ich finde ja, zu Krankenhausbesuchen muss man immer was mitbringen, am liebsten natürlich Essen. Vorzugsweise etwas, was besser ist als das, womit man im Krankenhaus konfrontiert ist. Darum habe ich heute morgen schnell ein paar Nougat-Walnuss-Rollen mit Schokolade zusammen geworfen. Sind auch heute nachmittag sehr gut angekommen. :)

Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2015

Easy: Rice Salad | Einfach: Reissalat

English version below.

Ich brauchte noch schnell eine Beilage für meine gefüllten Zucchini, da hab ich mich in der Küche umgesehen und noch ein paar Sachen zusammen gesucht. Ehrlich gesagt kommen so viele meiner Rezepte zu Stande: Was ist noch da und was muss noch weg und was kann ich damit denn so machen?

Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2015

Teriyaki Sauce

English version below

Mr. Squirrel hat mal wieder Teriyakisauce gemacht. Super lecker und sorgt dafür, dass man mal eben aus Gemüse und Reis (und vielleicht ein bisschen Mock Duck) was Tolles zaubern kann!

Mittagessen: Gebratene Mock Duck, Gemüse und Reis in Teriyakisauce.

Donnerstag, 24. September 2015

Käse-Lauch-Suppe | Cheesy Leek Soup

English version below

Käse-Lauch-Suppe mit Hack hab ich ja früher schon immer gerne gegessen. Schon blöd, wenn so viel davon nicht vegan ist... Aber ich glaube, meine Version ist ganz gut geworden. :)

Lecker Suppe mit Zwiebelbrot

Sonntag, 20. September 2015

Herbst-Quiche | Fall Quiche

English version below

Ich habe ja schon ein Quiche-Rezept, aber das ist mit Seidentofu... und das hier nicht :) Wenn man das Räuchertofu durch was anderes leckeres ersetzt (zum Beispiel Kichererbsen oder angebratene Pilze), kann man es auch sojafrei machen!

Samstag, 19. September 2015

Cremige Kartoffelsuppe | Creamy Potato Soup

English version below

Letzte Woche bin ich nach der Arbeit nach hause gekommen und wurde direkt von tollem Geruch aus der Küche empfangen. Mr. Squirrel hat Kartoffelsuppe gemacht! Das Rezept werde ich euch natürlich nicht vorenthalten!

Samstag, 29. August 2015

Tofu süß-sauer | Sweet and sour tofu

English version below!

Als ich diesen Sommer ein paar Tage Urlaub hatte, bin ich öfters mit Freunden auswärts essen gewesen. Und da habe ich - nachdem ich in irgendeiner Facebookgruppe die Empfehlung gelesen hatte - super leckeres Tofu gegessen. Frittiert. Mariniert. Kalt. Brillant. Das musste ich nachmachen. In meiner Lunchbox hat's sich diese Woche dann sehr gut gemacht.

Tofu süß-sauer, Petersilienhummus, Bulgursalat und Linsenfrikadellen mit Cashewfetafüllung

Freitag, 28. August 2015

Weiße Mousse au Chocolat | White Chocolate Mousse

English version below!

Ich musste es tun! Ich musste es tun! ;) Das wusste ich, als ich die beste weiße vegane Schokolade der Welt in der Hand hatte (das ist die iChoc White Vanilla, falls ihr euch fragt, welche ^_^). Weiße Mousse au Chocolat. OH ja. Ehrlich gesagt, war das ein bisschen tricky, weil die Schoki im Mund zwar supertoll schmilzt, aber in meinem Wasserbad etwas klumpig war... Vielleicht liegt's am Reisanteil... Aber egal. Ich hab da ein paar Sachen ausprobiert. :)

Donnerstag, 27. August 2015

Auberginenröllchen | Eggplant Rolls

English version below!

Wie versprochen kommt hier das Rezept für die Auberginenröllchen. Die passen super auf Buffets, als Vorspeise, in Lunchboxen... eigentlich überall. :)

Auberginenröllchen mit Coeur de Boeuf Tomate und Moxxarella
beim 1. Squirreldinner!

Montag, 24. August 2015

Bread with caramelized onions | Zwiebelbrot

English version below!

Was soll ich sagen? Brot ist super und gebratene Zwiebeln sowieso. In Kombination geht das natürlich noch besser.

Sonntag, 16. August 2015

Squirrel Dinner #1

English version below!

Nachdem Mr. Squirrel und ich vor einiger Zeit zum Supperclub bei der lieben Anja vom Vegan Foodnerd eingeladen waren und es total toll fanden, dachte ich, es sei an der Zeit auch mal Leute in unser Wohnzimmer einzuladen. Per Couchsurfing hatten wir zwar schon den einen oder anderen Gast, aber nie so. Und so hab ich das dann gemacht. Gestern Abend waren Melanie, Melanie, Katrin und Björn da um sich durch Folgendes durchzufuttern:

Aperitif: Sekt mit hausgemachtem Lavendelsirup
Nebenher: Tomatenbrötchen und Kräuterbutter
Erster Gang: Auberginenröllchen und Cœur de bœuf Tomate mit Moxxarella.
Zweiter Gang: Mini-Sommerrollen mit süßsauerer Sauce und scharfen Sesam-Gurkensalat.
Dritter Gang: Smashed potatoes mit "Honig"-Senf-Mayonnaise und Rukola.
Vierter Gang: Falafelteller mit Cashewfeta.
Fünfter Gang: Himbeer-Joghurt-Eis und Mini-Rosenwasser-Pistazien-Cupcakes.

Am Schluss sah's so aus... :)

Sonntag, 2. August 2015

Savory Pancakes

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When I was a kid, my Mom did most of the (excellent) cooking. However, pancakes were my Dad's territory. He would make the pancake batter and would make pancake after pancake until everyone had their lunch. Pancake days were awesome! Fortunately, Mr. Squirrel figured out a recipe that will recreate my childhood experience every now and then - minus the eggs, but with the vegan cheese.

Dienstag, 28. Juli 2015

Super simple: Avocado and mushroom sandwich

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This is again one of those recipes where I almost feel bad about posting it... because it's so simple. But it is also so good ... and someone on facebook asked me to post the details.

Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2015

Spicy Sesame Cucumber Salad

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Just another quick recipe that is a great addition to any lunch box.

Cucumber salad on top, 
all the ingredients for sushi hand rolls below.

Montag, 6. Juli 2015

Pasta Salad with a Mango Tomato Sauce

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By popular demand: Another one of my "what did I find in my fridge" recipes! :)

Sonntag, 28. Juni 2015

Sweet and Sour Tofu with Veggies

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I needed to switch up my lunch routine, so I decided to see if I could wing a sweet and sour sauce. According to Mr. Squirrel, I can. :)

Samstag, 27. Juni 2015

Mayovariationen | Mayo Variations - Sriracha, Wasabi, ...

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Ok, I almost feel bad for posting this... because it is too simple. But it is also too good! This is my recipe for sriracha mayo. It also works beautifully with wasabi.

Sriracha Mayo

Sonntag, 21. Juni 2015

Easy: Bell Pepper Pasta Sauce - Paprikasauce für Nudeln

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This is one of those recipes that I came up with because some ingredients needed to go. In this case, we are talking about some perfectly fine, yet slightly dehydrated bell peppers. Contemplating the next day's lunch, I figured a pasta sauce would be a good choice. It's super simple to make, too!

Creamy pasta sauce will be served with arugula, tomatoes,
and moxxarella at work tomorrow!

Dinner chez Squirrel

Just a quick English version because chances are that the details don't apply to you (for reasons including your physical distance from my living room).
There will be a dinner in my (and Mr. Squirrel's) living room! I am inviting four strangers/acquaintances/friends to dine with me and Mr. Squirrel on August 15, 2015. There will be a five-course meal, hopefully some good conversations, and a nice evening. I will not charge anyone for anything, but there is going to be a little donation piggy bank so I won't have to actually cook and feed everyone on my own ;)

So. Jetzt habt ihr den Salat! Es wird ein Dinner geben!

Am 15. August (Samstag), bei uns im Wohnzimmer im wunderschönen Duisburg. Mr. Squirrel und ich laden vier Fremde/Bekannte/Freunde ein mit uns zu futtern! 

Es wird fünf Gänge geben, Wasser wird auch da sein. Wer spezielle Bier- und Weinwünsche hat, darf gerne selbst was mitbringen....

Was das kostet? Nichts. Aber ich stell ein Sparschwein auf und wer sich da erkenntlich zeigen möchte, darf das gerne. :)

Inzwischen sind schon alle vier Plätze weg, aber ich führe eine Warteliste... Bei Interesse also einfach auf Facebook per Nachricht melden oder ne Mail schicken. 

Das Menü? Das ist schon in Arbeit ... wird aber noch nicht verraten!

Sonntag, 7. Juni 2015

Beer cupcakes. There I said it.

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My team manager's birthday was last week and it is customary where I work that coworkers decorate the desk of the birthday boy/girl and bring cake. So I took over the cake part. And since my colleague is allergic to a number of things and I didn't want to openly ask her about things that should not be in the cake, I decided to make a cake from ingredients that I had seen her eat at work. Now the beer part might sound a bit odd in this context, but I should probably mention, she once brought a beer and walnut cake. So... here we are: 

Beer and walnut cupcakes with chocolate chips and a coffee and chocolate cream <3

Sonntag, 31. Mai 2015

Pistachio Rosewater Cupcakes

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This recipe is based on the recipe by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World. This is definitely one of my favorite cupcake cookbooks! I had to make some adjustments, though, in favor of more pistachios and more rosewater... and a little less sugar.

Sonntag, 17. Mai 2015

Brownie Cheesecake CUPCAKES!

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Well, well, well, I love the Brownie Cheesecake I made this year... And I love it dearly, but sometimes a big cake just isn't practical. You want to share, but not only with people who are in the same place. So cupcakes allow you to share food with all sorts of different people without bringing half-eaten cakes to a meeting or date. Tomorrow, we're having a team meeting at my new job, and food is always a good start for this kind of thing. The cupcake recipe is pretty similar to the big cake recipe, but the amounts and times are different, of course. To make things easier, I'm making a fresh post for the cupcakes.

Sonntag, 10. Mai 2015

Curry Sauce

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Where I am from, a good Currywurst (a bratwurst with the curry sauce you'll find in this recipe) is of great cultural value. Songs have been written about it, and different regions in Germany claim that their version of the dish is the best - while that clearly isn't true. ;) We've gotten a lot of requests for the recipe - because we tend to bring the sauce to barbecues - so here it is (roughly based on the version of my friend Hanna over at FoodbyHon).

Montag, 4. Mai 2015

Tandoori Masala + Chickpeas + Edamame Salad

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This is one of those dishes that comes up when I am looking for something else and then come across a random spice blend and add it what I was working with... So here we have the Garam Masala chickpea edamame salad with sesame.

Surrounded by purple sweet potato mash
and baked filled zucchini/eggplant

Montag, 20. April 2015

Montag, 30. März 2015

Vanilla Raspberry Cupcakes

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For some reason I wanted to make a cupcake that I could fill with something. Maybe because Mr. Squirrel's Mom had given me a tool with which cutting out the core of a cupcake was supposed to be really easy and I had never tried it. [A photo of this legendary tool will follow. I could just steal someone else's picture from the internet, but stealing pictures is not cool!] Vanilla cupcakes seemed like a good combination for raspberries, so I made raspberry jam-filled vanilla cupcakes with whipped cream (vegan, duh!) for my goodbye cake fest at my old job. 

Goodbye sugar high at my old job: Death by Chocolate Cupcakes,
Vanilla Raspberry-Cupcakes, Brownies, and Cookies

Dienstag, 3. März 2015

Vegan Mozzarella? Moxarella!

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When Mr. Squirrel first made this moxarella, I wasn't home and couldn't quite understand the excitement he transported via facebook. Then I came home and had to agree. This moxarella is amazing! It might look a bit intimidating at first, but... it's not. :) You will need a bit of time, though, as you need to soak the cashews and you'll need about 24h to let the yoghurt bacteria do their thing.

This make quite a bit of mozzarella/moxarella, but stored in salted water, it has survived about a week in our fridge. We don't really have any test result for the time afterwards because we ate up every last bit.

Mr. Squirrel didn't just make this up, he based the recipe on this one by Miyoko Schinner.

Dienstag, 24. Februar 2015

Five ingredient lunch + hot sauce

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Lunches should be quick to prepare and not too heavy, otherwise your productive afternoon turns into a majestic desk nap. Here is what I had today. Fried noodles with lots of veggies and very little other ingredients.

Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2015

Another Lunch: Green Curry Creamed Potatoes, Beans, Peanuts with Spinach, Peas and Onions

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Would I even consider this a real recipe? No. It's just the panic-y "I don't want to go grocery shopping - what's left in pantry and freezer?" meal. But you never know if anyone can is it as inspiration! After all, it's a quick and easy lunch.

Montag, 16. Februar 2015

New Cheese Sauce - almost healthy! (gluten-free)

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I already have a really neat nacho cheese sauce recipe that is based on a very basic roux, but I am always happy to try something new. And this sauce is different, but equally awesome - and it's based on puréed veggies! And it's gluten-free for those of you who need to watch out for your wheat/gluten intake. Aaand it's soy-free, too. Both options are only true if you don't decide to use things like oat milk (gluten) or soy milk (ha! contains soy! ^^).

Many thanks to for helping me cook and taking the photo.

Dienstag, 10. Februar 2015

Facon - Your Homemade Fake Bacon

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A lot of people out there consider eating bacon a religion... or at least they treat it in a similar way. So I thought about what makes bacon so tasty. It's fat, salt, roasted protein and smoke flavor. Well, it sure wasn't too difficult to put all of that into a vegan product. It's pretty easy, too! Here is how to get your facon!

Avocado and facon sandwich? Yes, please!

Mittwoch, 4. Februar 2015

Another Lunch: Mushrooms, Broccoli, and Almonds

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I don’t really have a name for this dish. It’s just one of those “I had mushrooms and wanted to have lunch” type of recipes where you look for things in your kitchen that might work well together. So I made fried onions and cremini mushrooms in an almond butter sauce on garlic mashed potatoes with pan fried almond broccoli.

Dienstag, 3. Februar 2015

Hummus Vinaigrette

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My love for home made hummus is great. Great enough to consider using it as the base for a salad dressing. And it made one creamy, beautiful vinaigrette for my quinoa veggie salad!

Sonntag, 1. Februar 2015

Healthy Snack: Tandoori Masala Chickpeas

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I am still surfing on the wave of New Year's Resolutions... and needed a quick snack. I have to admit, although I enjoy a bit of cake and desserts every not and then, I am more of a salty snacker. Salted pistachios, potato chips, smoked tofu, ... that sort of thing. And since I love spices and chickpeas, I made a spicy chickpea snack. It's super easy!

Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2015

Hummus is love!

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I love hummus. You do, too. It goes well with everything and you can season it according to your tastes! And it's cheap and easy to make, too! :)


Sonntag, 11. Januar 2015

Quinoa Patties

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It's early Janury - New Year's Resolutions are still fresh. I did not really make any specific ones, but the whole "eat clean, work out, be kind, spread happiness" thing is always there. That's always good.I have been told that my junk food is healthier than some people's regular food, but that doesn't mean that I need to lower my standards. :)

The main reason for my not so healthy eating habits can be found in occasional laziness and the "but I'm hungry NOW!" moments. So I made a few things yesterday, tripled the portions and made serving-size containers full of deliciousness that went into the freezer. Among these edibles were these quinoa patties. I froze them in batches of four, so I could combine them with other stuff for varied meals.

Red lentil veggie soup, hummus, quinoa patties, fried eggplants and
zucchini, fresh and sundried tomatoes.
Many thanks to for the picture. <3

<3 and food go out to for
constraining himself long enough to take the picture

Freitag, 9. Januar 2015

Donuts / Berliner

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In Germany, donuts of the American kind (including the major donut chain shops) exist. However, the storebought kind is never vegan - at least I have never encountered any. There are German donuts whose names vary depending on the region you find yourself in. Berliner, Pfannkuchen, Krapfen... They are usually round, dusted with powdered sugar and filled with some type of jam. This recipe works for your regular O-shaped donuts and any other shape you like - including the type that is filled with jam. :)

We had these at our most recent birthday party and a lot of people who said they usually did not like Berliner, really enjoyed them!

Berliner with raspberry jam filling

Your classical donut!

Montag, 5. Januar 2015

Birthday Party Buffet

Mr. Squirrel and I had birthdays and since we always go a bit crazy in the kitchen, we always throw one party, as opposed to two... Here is what we did for food! ... and I'll post the recipes. :)

Mr. Squirrel und ich hatten beide Geburtstag und weil wir in der Küche immer etwas ausrasten, schmeißen wir immer nur eine Party statt zwei. Hier seht ihr, was es so gab! ... und ich poste die Rezepte. :)

Matcha Cupcakes, chocolate cupcakes with an orange cocoa buttercream, raspberry filled jelly donuts for dessert. Chili sin carne (with whiskey and coffee!) and bread... and the Lynchburg Lemonad station. :)

Matcha Cupcakes, Schokocupcakes mit Orangen-Schoko-Buttercrème, und Berliner mit Himbeerfüllung zum Nachtisch. Dann noch Chili sin Carne (aber mit Whiskey und Kaffee!) und Brot.. und die Lynchburg Lemonade Station. :)

Bread, creamy potato salad, Thai pasta salad, chick'n wings, tomato lentil bites filled with cashew feta, sliders with smoked tofu, falafel, yoghurt parsley sauce, smoked paprika sauce, "honey" aioli.

Brot, cremiger Kartoffelsalat, Thai Pasta Salat, Tomaten-Linsen-Frikkos mit Cashewfetafüllung, Mini-Burger (Sliders) mit Räuchertofu, Falafel, Petersilien-Joghurtsauce, Räucherpaprikacrème, "Honig"-Aioli.